Places to Display Your Boudoir Photos That Won't Shock Your Mother

Are you worried about someone seeing your boudoir photos that aren't supposed to? There are many options to keep your gorgeous pictures away from mommy dearest.

  1. Your glam room

    Chances are that your mom won’t be going into the areas that you get ready in each day, but this is an awesome place to show off your best assets on a metal wall print or a luxe ice block on your vanity.

  2. In an album on that bookshelf in plain view

    You know what they say, things are best hidden in plain sight. So put your boudoir photos within reach. It’s kind of a fun secret, right?

  3. Bedside table

    Now tell me why your family is hanging out in your bedroom?! There is no reason for extended family members to be hanging out in the boom boom room. So place a crystal ice block on your night stand to remind your partner, or yourself, you are still that bad bitch.

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